Our Services

Our Services

EcoTierra approaches the preparation of environmental documents with an emphasis on quality and thoroughness of analysis as interested parties subsequently scrutinize projects, and therefore potential environmental impacts of a project must be fully analyzed and discloser. The best means of allowing applicants to proceed with their projects is through the full discloser of environmental impacts in a document that provides coherent and logical responses to issues raised during the environmental review process.

EcoTierra's staff has extensive experience in identification of constraints and opportunities created by a project and identification of project alternatives that minimize or avoid significant impacts to the environment. Our services include:

- Categorical Exemptions

- Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations/Negative Declarations

- Project and Program Environmental Impact Reports

- Master Environmental Assessments

- Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Consideration

- Categorical Exclusions
- Environmental Assessments
- Finding of no Significant Impact
- Environmental Impact Statements

The resources to provide timely solutions to you efficiently and cost effectively.

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